Tomorrow is Lucas' first day of physical therapy. I'm pretty sure they will see how much he is doing now and how he is getting around and send us home. The only thing he isn't doing is walking by himself and I'm in no hurry for that to happen!!! I am still waiting for the eyes in the back of my heard to grow in and I think those are mandatory for having a walking toddler.
Lucas isn't the only one going to physical therapy tomorrow. Today Curt his back and had to go to the Doctor. Thank goodness he works for a GOOD COMPANY that actually files workmans comp! The Doctor said it is a lower lumbar sprain and is sending him to physical therapy. The Doctor also put him on light duty (he can't pick up over 5 lbs... so that leaves Lucas out) so we are waiting to see if they will find something for him to do at work (please pray!!!!) other wise he will be out with out pay until the Doctor clears him.
Ugh - both boys in trouble! I will pray for both of them (for Curt's back and for the doctor's to see how AWESOME Lucas is and just leave the little guy alone) but I will also pray for YOU because you are such a saint and dealing with all this with such calm and poise :D
And don't worry - I'm pretty sure the eyes grow into the back of your head once they're fully needed... probably once Lucas actually DOES start walking ;)
I hope his back gets well soon
What a nightmare! I will be thinking of you and praying for the best!
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