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Monday, August 21, 2006

Kevin Federline sounded how we looked

Even though Curt and I are no longer the target audience, we watched the Teen Choice awards. We tuned in only because it was K.Fed's first live Performance... and every now and then we just need a good belly laugh.

"Most predictably bad performer: Kevin Federline. Britney Spears showed up to introduce her man, waxing optimistically that “This show has been very good to me and my career over the years, so I’m hoping that it will be as good to our next performer … Please give a warm welcome to my man, Kevin Federline.” But the world’s most infamous mooch did more ball-grabbing than dancing and more weasel-like groaning than rapping during his debut. To nobody’s surprise, he failed to look like a gangster while playing the intro to his single, “Lose Control,” on a grand piano while a much more talented MC handled the opening vocals. As the song went on, it became painfully apparent K-Fed is, indeed, as untalented as originally thought, although his back-up MC, whose microphone also happened to be twice as loud, should be signed any day because he has some mad chops."

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