It rained again today. Unfortunately it wasn't the soft rain we had yesterday that I was able to let Lucas play in. Today it poured keeping us inside watching the rain come down in sheets. I was very surprised that the loud rumbling thunder didn't scare Lucas (not even when Jadie insisted at barking at it as if she could chase it away.) Instead he wanted to see what was going on outside.

Back inside Lucas wanted to slide back and forth on his stomach over the smooth surface of the lower changing table shelf. We used to store things on this shelf in little baskets but after the millionth time of Lucas throwing everything off of it I decided to just leave it bare.

Leaving it bare definitely seems like the smartest thing to do.
I wish it rained like that here, I'm totally jealous (even though you got trapped in the house all day). (Although, getting trapped in the house is a good excuse to play SimS :D)
Sumer rain, that hardly ever happens here. I wish it would, I like it when it cleans the air and makes the world "clear" again.
You will start having more and more "blank and bare" spots in your house I am afraid. :-)
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