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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Completed Working Out Week 4

Most days I go to the gym with my friend Katie. Today, however I went by my safe because of the busy day I had with going to the grocery store, and getting together with family that came into town. Katie works so the only time I could fit going to the gym in was while she was still at work. It was so hard to make myself get up and go since I know there was nobody expecting and depending on me to show up. At first I made up my mind to just skip today since I was tired and didn't have much of a chance to just sit down. Then I realized I was just laying on the couch flipping channels wasting time so I got my butt of the couch, laced on my shoes and went to the gym.

Weigh in day is coming up soon... September 15 (which is another reason that motivated me to get off my butt and get to the gym, well that and the sexy new jeans that I plan on buying in the neat future.) My goal is to have lost four pounds (one for each week I've been working out) but honestly I don't know if I will or not. My jeans don't fit any different yet. Also I'm having a real problem eating. Since working out I just don't feel hungry. Today I realized I hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch... I wasn't planning on it. This just happened. I know this isn't good because my body needs fuel to run off of and burn the fat off with. So we will see.

If nothing else working out has become a stress reliever. I have a real problem with keeping things bottled up inside and working out provides me with a physical release. I find that on the days when something (even if it is really small) is nagging at me I seem to push myself harder. Today I had two separate people ask me about some of my family members that I haven't seen in a while. I honestly didn't know the answers to their questions. Instead of making it into an awkward situation I just had to sidestep the whole issue and quickly change the subject. Tomorrow should be another good workout.


Anonymous said...


Even if you haven't lost the 4 pounds, you're forming a habit and that means you'll keep weight in future... so don't be too rough on yourself if you haven't lost your goal yet.

You're right that it is important to eat, but don't force yourself to eat big meals you're not hungry for... an apple or something is just as good, as it keeps your metabolism going.

I'm sure you know all this, I'm just trying to be encouraging. I know, I suck.

You, though, RULE! MUCHLY! :D

Anonymous said...

I am so envious. I really want to go work out and buy sexy jeans. Too bad we can't go together. :-(