Last night I actually went to bed at 9 PM which is super early for me! I woke up this morning when Curt did (5:40 AM) and was amazingly awake and ready to start my day. I got a few things done before Lucas woke up and then I fed him breakfast. It was raining a little and we were both a little stir crazy so we headed to the mall. Since he didn't get to see Santa last night I decided to suck it up and pay for my son to sit on some strange man's lap. The cheapest package was $13.77 (with tax) He was sure what to think of Santa and the photographer snapped his picture just before he started to cry. While we waited for the picture to print Lucas got a free Santa coloring book and I think he realized Santa was on it and he started to warm up to him a little.

Santa was right by the soft playground so I let Lucas run around a for a little while. When we walked up to it his eyes got real big and he started to get excited. I basically had to hold him down so I could keep him still long enough to pull his shoes off.

He ended up finding an older kid to follow around. The big kid thought he was pretty neat too and played a sort of hide and seek game with him around the giant sand bucket. The older kid would laugh real loud and take off running and Lucas would copy him. The other little boy's mom and I couldn't stop cracking up.

Pretty soon it was time to head to my parents' house to stay with my Grandma. She wanted to cuddle with Lucas for a while so I put him on her lap. I'm sure Lucas was thinking "how come my mom keeps putting me on old people's laps?" He liked sitting with Grandma a lot more than Santa. He kept making my Grandma's remote control reclining chair go up and down and helping her change the channels on her giant TV remote.

After our long morning Lucas was tired so I put him down for a nap. When he woke up he was in a grumpy mood and starting banging his head on the floor again for no real reason. My parents have hard tile so I think he was surprised by how hard it hurt. Since telling him "no" didn't work yesterday I tried ignoring him. This only made him do it more and on more things (the wooden arm of the couch, another wooden piece of furniture) and it was so hard to just try and ignore it. When my Dad got home from work Lucas did it in front of him (my Dad knows what has been going on) and my Dad yelled at him to not do that. Lucas adores his Grandpa and I think it scared him to hear him raise his voice like that. He stopped banging, stood up, looked at my Dad and his eyes started to well up like he was going to cry. I think he was upset that my Dad was "disappointed." I was so glad my Dad was there to "yell" at him. He hasn't done it since *knock on wood* but he now has a bruise on his forehead.
1 comment:
"how come my mom keeps putting me on old people's laps?"
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