Tonight I am recovering from the previous two nights of staying out late (2 AM both nights) and having fun with the girls. I never dreamed when I joined the Savannah SAHM's group that I would meet such great friends. Normally I would never stay out that late or go out two nights in a row but one of our members is moving out of state this weekend so I wanted to hang out with her as much as possible. Lucky for me I have a very trusting and understanding husband.

Wednesday night we went to the Dew Drop and listened to OTHER people do Karaoke. It was like watching the casting of American Idol "Redneck" edition (I mean redneck in a nice way) The Dew Drop is the kind of place that regulars go and a few of the girls kept giving us catty looks and yelling stuff at us. By the end of the night though they were drunk and introducing themselves and begging us to come back another night and hang out with them.
Thursday night was our monthly Mom's Night Out and instead of going out to dinner like we usually do we went over to Jill's house and brought snacks and played a board game (which was more fun then I could possibly describe.) Most of us planned on watching Grey's together but the majority (including myself) were too busy eating and chatting to watch TV (especially since they replay it on Friday Nights and online for free.)
It was so hard to get out of bed and get moving this morning. Thank goodness for strong coffee and Jessica's amazing left over Peacan Pie squares for breakfast.
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