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Monday, February 19, 2007

Baby's Got Her Blue Jeans On

I am finally able to wear my first pair of American Eagle Jeans in over two years. I bought them several months ago as an incentive to keep working out. I guess they worked. I was starting to get bummed that I haven't lost in single pound in quite a while. For some reason I decided to try on some of my jeans and I noticed that jeans I haven't been able to wear in a long time were fitting. I got up the guts to try on my AE jeans and they fit! (I can't put them in the dryer but I can breathe in them!) Oh, and I forgot to mention that it is "that time of the month" and I am a little bloated and they still fit. I feel like I won the lottery.


Anonymous said...

That's SO exciting!!!! We need to celebrate!

Lini said...

Way to go! You look fantastic!

Tara said...

I am so proud of you! You look good!