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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dear Lucas (81 weeks),

Please tell me how you wake up so happy every morning? You are always ready to get up and start your day. Forget potty training and learning your ABC's, first thing I must teach you is the value of sleeping in. It seems like each week you are shaving hours off your sleeping time. Just a few weeks ago we couldn't keep you up past 6 PM and now we are lucky if we get you to bed before 8. Tonight you didn't go to bed until almost 9. You aren't sleeping in any later either. You are always up by 8 (okay I guess I shouldn't be complaining about how "early" you get up) and you aren't taken a longer nap in the day time, and your nap time really hasn't changed either. You aren't crabby so I know you are getting plenty of sleep. I just don't understand how a night owl can have such a sunny happy morning person.

Today was out get out of the house to run errands day. It really is nice to have someone with me to run around town with, I just hate having to put you in and out of your car seat and stroller over and over again. We returned a few things to the mall, picked up part of a baby shower gift, and stopped by to visit your Great-Grandma and give her a Valentine. I want you to grow up and enjoy doing stuff for other people. I wish you could realize how much she just lights up when you see her. She was so happy to get a hug from you and for you to wave bye-bye to her as we left.
The next stop was to pick Katie up so you could take her out for a Valentine's Day lunch. We went to Moe's because we had a special buy one get one free coupon for lunch. All the tables were decorated with Valentine's napkins and candy (which you weren't happy about not being able to have) and there were balloons everywhere (which you weren't happy about not being able to have.)
Our next stop was at Old Navy. You need new jeans since yours are quickly turning into high waters and they seem to be the only place that makes pants that fit you. They are size 12-18 months and are still a tiny bit big in the waist and your diaper sticks out the top but boys always seem to wear pants that don't fit them and sag down anywhere. Your Dad recommended we get you a belt but I don't know if I have ever seen a single baby belt in my life. In the baby section of Old Navy they have this little dog sitting on a bench. You loved sitting by him and when I told you it was time to tell him "bye bye" you gave him a kiss on his little plastic nose.
Before we dropped Katie off at her house we stopped by the park to feed the ducks. It is insane how much you are obsessed with feeding the birds. I cannot give you a snack while you are outdoors because you will not eat it. Instead you will tear whatever you are eating into little pieces and throw it down to feed the birds. It doesn't matter if there is a single bird already around or not. Yesterday at play group you stole someone else's food and started tossing it off of Hannah's deck into the grass. Actually, now that I think about it this doesn't just happen outside. When you are at home you are constantly throwing down food to Jadie.
After all the bird food was thrown to the birds we still had to stick around for a few minutes. You wanted to dance on top of the table to the very loud honking of all the ducks and geese. I think you are going to be one of those kids that brings home every stray animal in the world.
This week you started to build things with your blocks. Up until this week you just liked to dump the blocks all over the floor so your Dad could step on them in the dark. Now you like to build little towers and then knock them down while you let out this loud belly laugh.
I think that laugh of yours has to be my favorite sound in the whole world. This week I learned a new trick that just cracks you up. If I flare my nostrils you will go into fits of laughter which of course makes me laugh and then you only start to laugh harder. These are the moments that let me know that I am right where I am meant to be.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
(you've started to call me MiMi, I think you are trying to say Mommy but can't quite get it out)

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