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Thursday, February 15, 2007

That is Fowl

After story time today Lucas and I stopped by the park we normally pass on our way home. The park doesn't have any baby swings but that didn't stop Lucas from enjoying himself. I was surprised by how well he hung on to the "big boy" swing.

It wasn't long before Lucas noticed the beautiful water and wanted to get a closer look so I took him over to the little boardwalk. He immediately saw the ducks and just had to go visit them.

He was so excited to see the ducks up close and in person that he ran all the way there.

He wanted to follow the ducks everyone they went. He would have went right in the water if I would have let him.
It was neat watching the ducks stick their heads in the water to eat. I think Lucas thought they were playing peek-a-boo.
One our way back to the car Lucas kept saying "bye-bye Duckies!" He has never said ducks or duckies before then.

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