So you still have all of your baby curls but they aren't helping you stay a baby for longer. Every day you look more and more like a "big boy." Can you knock that off please? Honestly, you shouldn't be in such a rush to grow up. Sure you might be able to stay up as late as you want and eat nothing but candy for dinner if that is what you want to do but that whole bill paying thing really sucks and it is a HUGE part of life when you grow up.
I know I have said this before but you crack me up. Your latest obsession is bubbles. We almost have to hide your bubbles from you or all we hear is "Bubbles? Bubbles? Bubbles?" You look at us like "hey old people, do you NOT get how great bubbles are!?! What is wrong with you. Blow them now!" Every once in a while we try to teach you how to blow your own bubbles but you just don't get that the wand is meant to go right outside your mouth not partly in it. Last night you put the wand in your mouth so many times that after we put the bubbles up you sent big bubbles shooting through the air just by breathing through your mouth. Obviously washing your mouth out with soap with you say your first cuss word isn't going to work.
When you aren't drinking bubble solution you are racking up the minutes on my cell phone. I just can't keep you off that thing. If kids imitate what their parents do I must talk on the phone a whole lot (and throw food across the room every time I am finished eating.) The great thing about my cell phone is that it has speaker phone so lately I've been turning some calls on speaker so you can talk to. Yesterday we had a "conference call" with one of your Grandma's. You totally took the phone from me and hogged the conversation. Your Grandma didn't mind one bit. I guess I should be glad at least you are polite and say "ghank gou" (Thank you) At this rate you will probably have your own cell phone by three.
Today we had a play date with some of our friends and I think I got a glimpse of what life would be like if you had a sibling. It is so cool to watch you play with other kids. Sometimes I worry that you will be lonely if you never get to be a big brother. I am not ready for you to be a big brother ANYTIME soon. The longer we wait the better the chance that you will be old enough to help change diapers.
You had so much fun playing today that you didn't even take a nap. Instead you passed out in your car seat on the way home. When I lifted you out of your car seat to carry you inside you half woke up and gave me this look like "why did you wake me up woman? What is wrong with you!?" When we walked in the door your Dad had just put dinner on the table. You took a few bites of your spaghetti and then wanted to be tucked into your bed where you rolled over and went right to sleep.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
Greatest Videos. Love the Phone one!
Thanks, Lucas thinks the videos are pretty great too. He watches himself over and over and over and over!
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