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Monday, March 26, 2007

Mommy Rant

I don't know how people have more than one kid! I used to think that the toddler age was my favorite but now I realize just how hard it is. Don't get me wrong I love seeing Lucas grow right before my eyes. His vocabulary gets bigger every day and each day he makes me smile but lately he has always been making me want to pull out my hair. I swear this kid is into EVERYTHING every minute of the day! Today he climbed on top of his changing table and pulled out all of his wipes and threw them on the floor. It is not possible to keep my eyes on him every minute of every day since I have to pee sometime! I am still waiting for those eyes in the back of my head to grow in.

Then there are the tantrums. I've started using the time out thing with him but I'm not sure how much he understands. I make him sit in the "time out chair" for a minute and when he is done I tell him again why he had to have a time out and he always gives me a hug and runs as far as he can away from the chair. People keep telling me "oh you should just give him a spanking" but I just don't see how that would help right now either. How can I teach him that he can't hit other people (one of the reasons for time out today) if I am hitting him? I don't want other people to think I am just letting him getting away with things either because I always follow through and don't let him get away with things. This whole parenting thing just keeps getting harder everyday.

Curt asked me tonight if I have any baby fever since he knows several of my friends have just had or are having brand new babies. NO WAY! I don't know how you mom's with more than one kid do it!


MJP said...

AMEN, Sista. I totally feel your pain. This parenting thing is WAY harder than I expected!

Anonymous said...

BTW, that was from me...

Anonymous said...

Wait till he gets 14, its soooooo much FUN!