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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Not as Innocent as He Looks

Today Lucas has been more cuddly and clingy them normal. His favorite game today was to just lay on the couch and snuggle. I think he is teething again and just feels pitiful. He also hasn't really wanted to eat anything unless it is cold or soft. He cried when his ripped his toast in half and wanted us to put it back together. Right after dinner he seemed to turn into his normal self and started to run around.

We thought Lucas was playing his normal game of run and hide in our room and them peek back out so we yell "there he is!" Then usually he falls to the floor in a fit of giggles. Tonight was different since he was peeking from around the corner and he was WAY too quiet. We called for him a few times "Where is Lucas?" and nothing. Curt and I both go into the bedroom and find him sitting on the floor with a WHOLE TUBE of my tinted sunscreen moisturizer spread all over him and him painting my eyeshadow case with my brush blush. Curt thought it was hilarious. I didn't really see the humor in the situation. I just walked away and let Curt clean him up. I still can't figure out how on earth he got a hold of my makeup since I keep it up high on my vanity... oh wait, I have a toddler. I should know by now nothing is impossible.

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