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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Flat Stanley

Since we spent most of the week in the house waiting of people to show up Lucas has been a little stir crazy. This afternoon I decided we both just needed to get out of the house and since a friend on our Mommy board was asking people to take Flat Stanley around their town I knew we would have something fun and different to do.

I ended up taking Lucas and Flat Stanley to the mall and we spent most of our time in the Bass Pro Shop since they have giant tanks of fish and random animals around the store.

I felt a little silly at first taking pictures of Flat Stanley but soon random strangers were saying "look it's flat Stanley" to their kids and the salesmen were telling me places in the store I should take Flat Stanley too.

It ended up being really fun and I would love to do this again with Lucas when he is a little older.
We did end up leaving Bass and walking around the rest of the mall. It was nice to get in some more exercise. I forgot all about all the Easter stuff and Lucas and Stanley listened to Mother Rabbit tell a story about the ugly duckling.

I also let Lucas ride the Easter Train. I would have taken a picture of Flat Stanley too but I was a little too embarrassed to pull out my camera there.

When ended up going back to the Bass store just in time for Lucas to watch the giant fish be feed and then we left the mall for good.

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