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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Dear Lucas (88 weeks),

What a week it has been! You seem to be in your testing the limits phase and I must say I'm not a big fan. I love how you are constantly learning new things and saying new words but I hate the tantrums and the NEVER listening to the world "no" that goes along with it all. You even "yell" back at me when I am telling you "NO!" for the millionth time. It is quite an interesting thing to be yelled at by someone who doesn't speak in complete sentences. I still love being your Mom and wouldn't trade it for the world but thank goodness the times we laugh together outweigh the amount of time you spend in timeout (even if sometimes it seems like it is not by much.)

Today you and your Great-Grandma seemed to be competing in the "hey pay attention to me and my fake whining" contest. You of course out whined her... but then again you are my child. Your Great-Grandma loves having you around and just lights up when you pay attention to her. Lori came to play with you today because I just knew it was going to be "one of those days" when you threw yourself on the ground at least 5 times just on the way to the car because you didn't like the way I looked at you.

You were pretty calm though once we got to Grandma's and only had to have one time out because you pushed Lori. The reason you pushed her was that she had the audacity to tell you that to go outside you have to put your shoes on and bent down to help you. After time out you gave her the world's longest "I'm sorry hug" and we put your shoes on you went outside. From inside I could hear her tell you "don't throw the ball down again if you do I'm not going to get it." For some reason that made me crack of laughing.

When we got home it was time for lunch and I decided to try pushing your highchair up to the table and letting you eat without the tray. I figured you would like it because you are always wanting to do grownup things and use grown up dishes. You seemed to like it okay but you didn't eat much because you were so tired.

You ended up not sleeping for that long (I think you were too hot to sleep since all this week your AC has been out in your room.) and you kept saying "eat, eat" and so I pushed you back up to the table and then you flipped out. You wanted your tray back on so back on it went.

Since you wouldn't go back to sleep we played Easter Egg hunt for the fifth time since yesterday. I think find the eggs is your new favorite game. I have a feeling after Easter is over we are going to be picking up some clearance eggs and keep the game going. Sometimes you forget they are eggs and call them balls and then I remind you "no, they are eggs remember" and you will repeat "ehhh, ehhh" over and over like you are committing it to memory. You are saying and signing so many new words this week. I've noticed though if you can already say a word then you have no use for the sign.

Ever since the tonka incident last week you have started to play with your dump truck again. You push it from one end of the house to the other and climb in and out of it over and over. A few times you will sit in it and rock your body in such a way that it will scoot forward an inch or two and you become so excited that you rock harder and then fall out. When this happens you always look all around you like you think one of us pushed you out.

Tonight your Daddy installed your new AC unit in your room. Hopefully you will get a good nights sleep. You haven't slept that well all week because you are like your Daddy and like it to be so cold that polar bears wouldn't even sleep in there. I'm hoping that the hot room is part of the reason for your hot temper lately and as your room cools off you will too. Chances are though you are just being a toddler. Hey, a Mom can dream right?!?

Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,


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