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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Gregory Park

Today we had our playgroup at Gregory Park. We were pleasantly surprised to see that a new playground had been installed. Some of the equipment I had never seen in any playground before. They had these crazy seats that you sat on and they start spinning you around faster and faster. Lucas loved them and I loved how funny he walked after spinning for a while.
I keep forgetting to put sunscreen on myself but luckily always remember to put it on Lucas. He actually likes to reapply after I am finished.

We took a break from the playground for a while and walked over to the Veteran's Memorial right next to the park. I pointed out Lucas' Grandpa's name to him and he leaned down and touched it and said "papa!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I printed a 8 1/2 by 11 Glossy of the "Papa" picture and took it to work. Everyone loved it and were a bit jellous!