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Sunday, April 01, 2007

We are not Illegals

We rent our movies from Netflix and when we get a new movie it just comes in this little white sleeve that has a printed movie description on the outside. Friday, we got Borat in the mail and when Curt took the movie out of the sleeve he thought they sent us a bootlegged copy. When he showed me the disk I immediately emailed customer service to let them know that someone else had sent them a bootlegged copy and it got sent to us so they wouldn't think we were making illegal copies of movies (which we never do since we hate to watch movies more than once,) We watched the movie and then I returned the movie by mail with a note saying again we weren't bootleggers. After watching it I couldn't understand why anyone would want to copy the movie to watch again.

Today we finally get a response from Netflix saying, "The title in question, "Borat", is a comedic social satire. In keeping with the tone of the movie itself, the movie packaging was intentionally designed by the studio to look like a "bootlegged" or pirated movie." So it turns out Curt and I are just gullible. Netflix also ended up issuing us a free bonus rental since we went through all the trouble of contacting them (or maybe they just felt sorry for us for renting it in the first place since the movie was horrible!!!) I'm guessing they have gotten a few other bootleg reports since the DVD was released.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

hahaha....we got the same (stupid) movie last week...and right when I opened the case I thought the same thing! Hubby of course said it was probably supposed to look like that...and he was right....too bad the movie sucked...I thought it was supposed to be funny....fat chance.