Today we weren't able to go on our normal morning walk because my alarm clock didn't go off like it normally does, and by alarm clock I mean you. For the last few months you have been getting up by 8:15 AM or 8:30 if I am really lucky. You never sleep in past 8:30 anymore... not even when I wake you up at 11:30 PM because you are throwing up in your sleep and don't get you back to sleep until 2:00 AM like this past Friday... even then you were up by 8:30 AM on Saturday. I never ever set my alarm anymore because you are just that reliable, except for this morning. You woke up at 9:29 AM... one minute before we were supposed to meet everyone to go walking. Since there was no way we could get up and ready and drive to the park in 1 minute we stayed home. It was one of those stay in our PJs all day kind of days and I cleaned and did thousands of loads of laundry while you watched way too much TV (which is ironic since yesterday I was telling your Grandma just how little TV you watch.)
When I was pregnant I read all those studies about how kids under 2 should NEVER EVER watch TV and I made up my mind that you would NEVER EVER watch TV until you were at least 2 years and one day old... then I actually had a toddler and realized that along with my other "I will nevers" things change when you become actual parents. Hey, in our defense you didn't even get interested in TV until after you turned one and your cousins Steven was watching a movie and that is where your love of Veggie Tales was born. Besides normally you only watch a few minutes of Veggie Tales or Sesame Street a day. I quickly learned that it is a whole lot easier to put on makeup when you aren't trying to get to it so you can eat it!
Don't worry, we haven't screwed you up yet. You still LOVE to go outside and you would rather be outside doing anything than sitting in front of the TV. Even if we have just come in from spending all day at the park you will run to the door and ask "Mama, side?" and if I tell you not right now you will throw yourself at my feet as if I was about to put you to death and you are begging for your life. Just so you know, before you came around I liked to spend my time in air conditioned places but now because of you I get more than my share of fresh air and sunshine.
The only thing that will cheer you up when you are not allowed to go outside is if I let you "help" me do something, especially if that means cooking. I think you have helped me make at least part of our dinner for almost a week now. Mainly I give you things to pour or stir and you know to stay away from the oven because it is hot. If you see me going to put something on the stove you remind me "mama, hot!" and blow air to cool it off. You aren't a big fan of the actual cooking process though because you don't understand why you have to wait for things to cook.
To distract you while we wait for dinner to finish you've become quite the coloring connoisseur. Just a few weeks ago you had no real interest in coloring, you would scribble for 2 seconds just so we would clap our hands and cheer for you and tell you how "pretty" your picture was but that was it. Now you will sit for quite a while and color. Sometimes you will grab my hand and take me in your room and ask for "colors" and not let go of my hand until I sit down next to you and color one side of your coloring book while you color the other. When you want to color alone I set up your little desk for you and you happily sit down and get to work
Even though you start out coloring at your desk you never stay there long. You always end up taking your paper or coloring book with you and sitting down somewhere else with your book stretched across your lap and your toes peeking out from the top. Personally this doesn't look comfortable to me but it is how you seem to do your best coloring.
Another cool thing you started doing this week is matching up pairs of animals from your Noah's ark. Usually you just liked putting them in the boat and dumping them out or pitching them across the room at poor Jadie but today you started matching them together. I think you thought they were Mom and baby pairs because you would call one of them "baby" and hug it before you set it next to the matching animal.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
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