Tomorrow is you very last day of being a 1 year old. I think in some ways you turning to is harder than when you turned 1 because at least at this time last year there was so much of you that was still "babyish." You are such a little rough and tumble little boy now that there is no denying that you are smack in the middle of full fledged toddlerhood. Honestly though, this whole living with a toddler thing isn't too bad so far *knock on wood,* it is so cute how you think that just because you say "I don't want it" that means we will let you do anything you want. Like tonight when we said it was time to go to bed you first let us know that you weren't too keen on the idea and when I repeated it the next time you firmly put your hands over your ears. Your Dad and I were fighting back laughter as we both said "you have to go to bed now because we said so!" Our perfectly logical reasoning made no sense to you so you tried grabbing on to anything you could as I carried you to your bedroom. When we laid you down in your crib I guess you realized resistance was futile and you let us tuck you in and give you kisses.
I think Jadie is the one taking the whole living with a toddler thing the hardest. She used to love being next to you all the time but since you are so unpredictable towards her she likes to stay in the background. She never knows if you are coming to give her a hug or just try to see if she works like a Stretch Armstrong doll (yeah I realize you probably have NO clue what this is) and you try and pull on her legs until she cries. We never let you get away with mistreating Jadie but I don't think she appreciates when you say "sordy" in that cute little voice of yours. We no longer really have to tell you when to say "sorry" you just seem to know now when it is needed. I am not looking forward to you learning that sometimes "sorry" doesn't make everything instantly better.
A few months ago we moved all of your toys into your room. During the day you just drag out whatever you want to play with and leave it out. We've been really slack about teaching you to pick up after yourself (although you will excitedly help us clean up anything that isn't yours all day long.) We just recently started getting out one thing at a time to play with and then having you help clean it up before we get the next thing out. This process is actually going a whole lot easier than I thought it would. You also seem to give each thing your attention for a little longer instead of bouncing from one toy to the next.
We got your blocks out today and they are always a special treat because I keep them high on your shelf out of your reach. You still have a habit of throwing them all over the house and I have a habit of stepping on them. Today was different though with you having JUST the blocks out. We built towers together and after each new block was placed on top you would blow with all your might to see if they were tall enough to topple over. I bet this is wonderful practice for blowing out your birthday candles. When we were done playing with the blocks you helped me clean them all up and we put then away without any fussing from you.
Today you seemed to be really interested in the camera so I grabbed our old crappy back up camera and I showed you how to take pictures. You would get really excited when you looked through the display screen and saw something you recognized. You would yell out "Daddy!" or "feet" and then press down the button to take a picture. Most of your pictures came out blurry because you were literally jumping around with excitement but you were having the best time.
I think this week might be the very last weekly letter I write to you. I'm not going to stop my "Dear Lucas letters" entirely but I think I might just start doing them every month now. I really want to keep them all and give them to you to read one day but I don't want to write so many that you are overwhelmed and never end up reading them. You never know though, they have become quite a habit that I might not stop after all... I just didn't want to stop writing them and not give you a reason as to why.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
P.S. I am a little sad that the time seems to be going by so fast but I am looking forward to watching you grow and change through the next year. I never would have guessed just how much fun it is to be your Mom. For your birthday Friday your Dad has planned a special treat for you and I know you will enjoy it. Sunday is your party and I know you will have fun celebrating with all your friends and family. You always love helping celebrate other people's birthdays so I can't wait to see your face when you realize that the cake is for you and everyone is there to celebrate your birthday.
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