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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's been a hard week and we're only half way through

This morning Lucas and I met up with some of our friends from playgroup to go swimming. It was nice to get out of the house and boy did we need it. It is only Wednesday but already so much has happened. Our dishwasher is broken and we have no clue how to fix it so it's back to washing dishes by hand. Yesterday Curt got a ticket on the way home. When he went to take a shower our water was turned off (there was a problem down the street.) So he had to stay all stinky and sweaty from work for a few extra hours until it was back on. I started back mystery shopping recently and yesterday I had a shop to do so I left him with a tired, frustrated, teething Lucas who hadn't really taken a nap. Curt was in such a "great" mood that I went to bed super early.

Since I went to bed so early last night I ended up waking up at 3:30 AM and not being able to go back to sleep. Lucas also ended up waking up early at 7 and I couldn't wait for 10 AM so that we could get out of the house and hit the water. I thought today was going to be a better day until Curt called this afternoon saying that he had gotten a flat tire. When he went to change the tire he couldn't find the key to unlock the tire. (He thinks it might be at his Dad's house.) He was supposed to call his Dad and ask him but he forgot and now he wants to take my car to work tomorrow and then to his Dad's house to see if the key is there (I don't know why he couldn't do that today.) We got invited to a play date tomorrow but we can't go because Curt will have my car. Days when Lucas and I stay home all day are always more challenging and I'm not looking forward to it since it really is too hot to go outside. The only thing that is keeping me going is an engagement party we are going to on Saturday.

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