This has been the best month so far. There have hardly been any tantrums lately and you've started doing a lot of really cool stuff. Last week was the first real vacation that just the three of us have gone on and you only went to timeout once in a whole week. You even didn't mind the 12 hour car ride. I think a lot of it had to do with getting so much Daddy time all at once. You were in heaven.
Monday was Daddy's last day of vacation and you went with him to go pick up his paycheck from last week. I think he had a great time "showing you off." Afterwards we went to lunch and you feel asleep just as we pulled in and didn't wake up when I took you out of your car seat. When we sat down inside you woke up for two seconds and I asked if you wanted to eat or go back to sleep and you just snuggled up on my shoulder and closed your eyes. I ended up laying your head in my lap and stretching you out across the booth. It was only 11 AM! You never go to sleep that early, I should have known that must have meant you were getting sick. You slept through our whole meal and woke up happy just as we were getting ready to leave so we just sat there a few minutes more while you ate the food we had ordered you and had just put in a to go box. You are eating like such a big boy now. We rarely stick you in a high chair when we are our or a booster seat at home.
You just started cleaning up after yourself finally! You have always loved to help but it used to be worse than pulling teeth trying to get you to clean up your toys. Now all I have to do is to tell you what toys to put away before we can get out the next thing and you happily do it. Tonight you picked up all your toys before your bath and we didn't have to help you with one single thing. You were so proud of yourself and you got double high-fives and hugs from me and your Dad.
Your latest obsession toy obsession is trains. You got this really cool set on your birthday that you always liked but just within the last few weeks has it been something you want to play with constantly. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that you figured out how to put the train tracks together all by yourself. You will literally play with the train all day long!!! You set up the track one way then play on it for a while then you totally change it around and this goes on until we clean it up at bedtime. Last night you weren't sleeping very well at all because of a cough. When I went and checked on you because I heard you making noise in your bed you ran right past me and straight to your train and asked "play train mommy?" When I told you it was night time and Daddy was in bed and we should be too you just whispered "okay, quiet" and kept on building the track. I let you play for a few minutes and then you went right to bed without any protests.
We put up are Christmas decorations this weekend and you have been loving all the "kissmas lights." You used to beg to hurry up and get home so you can get out of the car but now you say "no go home more kissmas house lights." You also think the lights on the Christmas tree should be on at all times. You have been into playing with the nativity this year which is missing a few pieces that broke somehow in storage but you don't seem to care. I ordered you a toy nativity set a few days ago and I am so excited for it to get here so you can really play with it. Tonight you gave baby Jesus and his mommy a ride in your train.
The only decorations I haven't put up are our stockings. You found them sitting on a table the other night and brought one to me and asked "what's that mommy," I tried to explain it was a stocking that we hung up for Santa to put little goodies in on Christmas eve. You peeked in the stocking and just started to cry. When I asked you want was wrong you said "Kissmas gone mommy! Kissmas gone!" Trying to explain to you that it wasn't Christmas yet did not work. Thankfully Daddy was able to distract you with your train and the stocking have since been put out of sight. I think we might get a advent calender or make a paper chain to help you count down the days until Christmas.
I know this year Christmas isn't going to be a big one in the present department as money it a little tight but I know that doesn't matter. You don't need a big pile of presents you are just enjoying seeing all the lights and reading all these special stories about baby Jesus being born where the animals live. This is going to be one amazing Christmas because I am getting to see everything new through your eyes. Last night I bought a tiny Christmas tree for your room and you thought it was the coolest thing when you saw it today. Tonight when I told you it was time for bed you got up, picked up your little tree and carried it into the living room. When I asked what you were doing you said "Daddy tree and baby tree night night" and you placed the little tree under our "big" Christmas tree and then you crawled back in bed.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
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