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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lucas' Possible Presents from Us

We are having a hard time deciding what to get Lucas this year from Christmas especially after all the lead toy recalls. Plus we are really trying to stay in a budget this year so I don't think he is going to be getting anything big and extravagant (besides it is not like he is hurting for toys anyway.)

Fisher Price Kid Tough Digital Camera
He is always trying to steal my camera and loves taking pictures. Plus this one is on sale for $50 and has free shipping (and we have a $25 gift certificate so it would end up being $25!)
Lucas LOVES Boynton books and he loves Penguins. Plus They have free shipping on Amazon and buy 3 books get 1 free.
This one would be "from Jadie."

The Going to Bed Book
This sounds like a good bedtime story book
I can't wait to hear Lucas try to repeat the title.

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