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Saturday, November 24, 2007

So Happy Together

While we were in PA Lucas found a stuffed dog at his Great Grandpa Jim's house and carried it around with him and called it Jadie. On Friday morning when we were getting ready to leave Lucas didn't want to get out of bed until Curt asked him if he wanted to go see Jadie. For the 12 hour ride we had to hear "Jadie back! Want Jadie back! Go to Grandma's now!" (She was staying at my parent's house.) When we finally made it to my parents house he could not wait to see Jadie and gave her a big hug and she gave him a big kiss.

Tonight when Lucas would NOT go to his room to get ready for bed I was able to get him to cooperate by telling him that Jadie was really tired and she needed us to read her bedtime stories to her. Lucas went in his room, picked out the books that he thought Jadie would like to hear and climbed up in bed and called Jadie to join him. After the stories we all gave Lucas good night kisses (I got mine before Jadie did) and Lucas went right to sleep.

Now if only Jadie could babysit.....

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