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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Our Trip to PA

Curt told me a few months ago that he wanted to spend his vacation time in PA visiting his Grandfather. Since it is his vacation time and Lucas and I have gotten to go to all kinds of places without him I agreed... even though we would be up north in the COLD and I am not a big fan of the COLD.

I love my husband dearly but for some reason it takes extra effort and energy from both of us to not kill the other one when we are in a car together for longer than five minutes. While planning the trip to PA we would both joke that we were have to take two cars in order for things to go smoothly. Against our better judgement we both got in the same car and headed off to PA on Friday afternoon.

In under five minutes we were already having our first fight over something SMALL and STUPID (it involved coffee and a gas station discount card) a new record for us. Lucas who hadn't had a nap was already asleep so instead of fighting further we decided to be grownups and get over it so we wouldn't wake up Lucas.

Lucas napped for a little bit and then was happy watching DVDs and snacking on things I had packed for him. We had planned on stopping around midnight and getting a hotel but a little after 11 Lucas was CRANKY so we decided to stop at the next motel. We ended up at this little motel on top of the hill that looks like the kind of quiet place they use in horror movies. We got the very last room and I laughed when I read the name of the city we were in off of the cover of a matchbook, "Bland, Virgina."

It was freezing so we rushed inside the room and Curt gave Lucas a warm bath to get him ready to go to sleep. Since Curt was with Lucas I went back out to get our clothes out of the back of the car and nearly had a heart attack when I looked to might right and saw a dead deer staring back at me tied to the back of a truck.

We got a few hours of sleep and were back on the road a little after 6AM. Pretty soon we were in West Virginia and it was absolutely beautiful. The trees were gorgeous colors and we could see snow in some spots. When we finally got to PA we managed to get lost (which wasn't the first time) even though we had a GPS that told us EXACTLY where to go. Curt got super frustrated with me then and kept asking me where to go like I knew where we were. We ended up getting in a NASTY fight that lead to me not speaking to him and him being so mad he just DROVE down random roads. After going through the same tollbooth 3 times he finally asked for directions and we made it to his Grandpa's house. The whole 2 hours we were lost we were only a matter of minutes away from the house.

When we got to his Grandpa's house it was 2:30 PM and his Grandpa wasn't home. We knew he was going to be at a horse show that morning but thought he would have been home already. He had told us to make ourselves at home when we got there so we went inside but there was no heat on and we were FREEZING! We ended up getting back in the car and taking naps with the car running and the heat on. It got to be dinner time and he still wasn't back so we decided to look for somewhere to eat. After a million car lots and bars we finally found a family restaurant in a bowling alley of all places. Lucas was tired and grumpy and the food tasted like it was from a bowling alley but our waitress was really nice. When we finally got back to the house Curt's Grandpa was finally there and he had some small space heaters on. That night we slept in our jackets fully clothed.

Sunday, Grandpa Jim went and got kerosene for the furnace and we were finally warm! Curt's ear started to bleed and was really hurting him and I told him I thought his ear drum might have burst but he said it was probably fine and just ignored the pain. We picked up a few groceries, made dinner and went to bed pretty early. The next day Grandpa Jim left for work before we got up and didn't come home until after we were in bed. We spent the day at the house just hanging out like we would have if we were at home. Curt took Lucas and I to see the horses and then we cooked dinner and went to bed early.

Tuesday we were on our own again so we decided to head to Wal-mart to just get out of the house. I have never been so excited to go shopping there in my life. We ended up picking up a few things for Thanksgiving and just walking around. Before we headed back to the house we had lunch at Cici's pizza. Even though it wasn't anything too exciting I had fun just going shopping with Curt which NEVER happens back at home.

Wednesday was gorgeous so I took Lucas outside and he had so much fine just running around outside and playing in the leaves. By that time Curt was in MAJOR pain with his ear that was still oozing stuff out of it but he said he would wait to go to the doctor until we got home.

On Thanksgiving day we got up and Curt's Grandpa put the Turkey in to cook. When it was done he turned over the kitchen to me and I made everything else. We sat down to eat around noon. Lucas stood in the corner watching Sesame Street because he was no longer hungry since he filled up on black eye peas and green beans while I was cooking everything else.

Since Thursday was the first day that his Grandpa was really off he had planned on saddling up the horses but of course it was cold and raining. Every once in a while we would look out the window and see snow so we would bundle Lucas up and take him outside and it would have already stopped.... this happened 3 times!

Right as we were getting ready to go to bed we noticed it was REALLY snowing outside and sticking to the ground so I took Lucas out in his PJs for a few seconds so he could at least see snow. He caught a few snowflakes on his tongue and then we headed back inside so we could get up early and GO HOME! I was so excited about the snow that I couldn't sleep and I ended up going outside and walking around in the snow after everyone was in bed. We had planned to get up and leave at 5:30 AM but Curt couldn't sleep because of his ear so he was up at 3 AM taking a shower and getting dressed and loaded the car up. We woke Lucas up at 5:30 and said good bye to Grandpa Jim loaded up in the car and left. (Originally we planned on getting back home on Sunday morning but Curt's ear was just hurting too badly and we were starting to get stir crazy.)

The drive home was so much better than the drive up. It snowed from PA and VA and it was so pretty. Even though Curt isn't fond of Christmas music he put it on without me asking and we enjoyed the view. We followed the GPS like we were supposed to and got back to Savannah with no problems Friday night. Saturday morning Curt went to the Doctor and they gave him medicine for his ear and told him that they really couldn't tell him much about his ear until the infection goes away but they thought he would get his hearing back.

Even with all the fights and the ear aches it ended up still being an okay trip. Lucas LOVED the extra Daddy time and had to be put in time out once the entire week. When Curt takes his vacation next year we are probably going to stay a lot closer to home.

More Pictures HERE

1 comment:

Liz said...

You SO remind me of me. "Yes this was the trip from hell, but we had fun!!" LOL!!!!! It sounds like there were some good moments in your trip and that is good. (Walmart) hehe..

I am glad your travels were safe and that Curt is ok with his ear!
