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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dear Lucas (29 months),

This has been one of the best months ever and a lot of it had to do with the fact that you were REALLY into Christmas this year. Riding in the car with you was a breeze because you would excitedly look out the window for any kind of Christmas decoration that you can spot. Now that Christmas is over everyday there are less and less decorations and lights up and you keep asking me "Where Christmas go?" It has been hard to explain to you that Christmas doesn't last all year long (and besides it isn't quite over for us since we still have Epiphany right around the corner.)

It was a nice surprised that you were not afraid of Santa Claus this year. Even before we ever mentioned Santa to you some how you already knew who he was and that he said "Ho Ho Ho" (well except when he is in Australia.) I guess we really shouldn't be surprised that you knew who Santa was since Christmas decorations were out in stores before Halloween was even over. One silly thing is that you can say "Santa" perfectly clear unless you say his whole name which you say as "Hanta Claus."

Watching you believe in Santa was very magical for me also. Being a parent at Christmas is AWESOME! I also worked very hard to teach you about the original Christmas. We read stories, played with our nativity set and you were even Joseph in our Church's nativity (where you picked your nose in front of the whole church, it was pretty funny. I can't wait to show that picture to you in a couple years.) Last year your favorite nativity character was a sheep and this year is is baby Jesus. You even requested that your Daddy draw baby Jesus on your magnadoodle a lit bit ago.
Another thing that I tried to teach you this month was that it isn't just fun to get presents but to also give them. I took you with me to pick out Christmas presents for your cousins (which was hard for you at first when we bought toys for your cousins that you would love to have for yourself) and you even picked out a Christmas present for Jadie all by yourself. You really got into helping me wrap the presents and putting them under the tree. You never even tried to unwrap a single present. You also got really into giving money to the bell ringers for the Salvation Army. I tried to make sure I always had some kind of change if you were with me shopping.
Your big present from Santa this year was a kid digital camera. You figured out pretty quickly how it works. It really is tough and already has survived being thrown across the room when you didn't want to put it down to go to bed. I can't wait to take you out one day somewhere like the park and let you loose exploring and snapping pictures. It would be really neat if we both end up sharing a love for photography (and even if we don't it will still be fun to see the different pictures you take.)
One thing I have passed on to you for sure is a love for coffee. Seriously, every time you see me drinking coffee you think you need a cup to and try to claim it "my coffee mommy!" The first time you had coffee was last year at your Grandpa Hunter's house. You stole a few sips of your Grandma's black coffee and I think you would have drank the whole cup if you had been allowed. Your Daddy also slips you sips of his coffee now and then but I try to keep you as far away from my coffee as I can (yes, because of the whole you don't need caffeine thing but mostly because I don't want to share MY coffee.) I will admit that I have bribed you with a small sip of my coffee to go in the nursery at church but in my defense my coffee is mostly milk anyway. Your begging for coffee has gotten so bad that I have had to start making you your "own coffee" (sugar free hot chocolate.) You think you are so grown up and I almost DIE laughing when I hear "Mommy, MY coffee please!"
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,

P.S. Sorry your Dad scalped you again!

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