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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Are You Smarter Than a Two Year Old?

I am proud to report that we haven't had any more poop smearing incidents. The bad news however, is that our kid is using our fear of poop smearing to his advantage. Lucas knows that we will drop anything we are doing if he says the words "I pooped!" This is especially true if he is in his room alone with the door closed (like at nap time and bedtime.) Only about 1% of the time has he actually pooped. I know he knows he can totally manipulate us with those two little words. "I pooped" has replaced all the other bedtime stalling tactics of "I'm hungry" or "water please," which we always ignored. I know that the one time we fail to believe that Lucas really has pooped, will be the one time he is telling the truth! He has found our Achilles heel.

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