Tonight when it was time to tuck Lucas into bed we couldn't find his "baby" even though we have 3 that we switch out interchangeably. One was left at Curt's Dad's house. The second is probably in the dirty clothes (I hope) and the third (the one we were looking for tonight) could NOT be found with the three of us looking for it. I just KNEW Lucas wasn't going to be able to go to bed without his well loved friend. Curt decided to try and give him a substitution and it worked. When it was my turn to tuck Lucas into bed he asked me "Daddy find baby?" I explained that we hadn't found baby and that just for tonight he could sleep with a new friend he said "OK" in a shaky voice then got over it. He went to sleep just fine and for some crazy reason that made me a little sad.

We ended up finding baby about an hour after Lucas had gone to bed hidden under a wooden tray on our ottoman.
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