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Friday, January 11, 2008

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

Lucas has been begging for months and months to see the new VeggieTales movie. We couldn't get him to understand that it wasn't out yet every time he asked to see it so I couldn't wait to take him to see it. When I got a belated birthday check in the mail this week I knew just how to spend it. I picked Lucas up a special shirt and made plans to take him to see the movie on opening day.

He was so excited to see the movie that he even wore his pirate hat to the theater. From the time the movie started until the ending credits rolled Lucas sat in his chair with his eyes stuck to the screen. He didn't try to run around the theater or even make any noise. When the movie was over he ran to the front of the movie theater and tried to get back in the ticket line and said "See Pirate Ship movie again!" He protested a little bit when we left the theater but he was so excited he talked about the movie the whole way home. I think we have his next birthday party theme already.

I didn't like the movie as much as I thought I would (I would give it 3 & 1/2 stars out of 5.) I liked the first VeggieTale movie a lot better. This was just your standard rated "G" pirate and princess movie. It didn't have any Witty takes on bible stories that VeggieTales is known for but it did have the feel good morals in there. It is nice to finally have a "G" rated movie to take him too. I'm trying to get in all the free movies I can while he is 2 before we have to start paying for him to go. It was $7 just for my ticket and that was the matinee price!
Read a Review I think is RIGHT on here.

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