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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dear Lucas (32 Months),

Another month has come and gone and your third birthday keeps creeping closer. Your Dad and I are amazed everyday at all the new things you say and do on a daily basis. Last night I went over to a friend's house for a couple of hours and your Dad put you to bed. When I got home I went in to check on you and make sure you were still covered up. You were laying on your tummy with all your blankets kicked off in nothing but a diaper and your new red shoes. When I asked your Dad why on earth he had put you to bed like that he swore that you went to bed barefooted and wearing a t-shirt. I took your shoes off and covered you up. A few hours later I woke up to you standing over me asking if you could please have a t-shirt on and a diaper change. You went right back to bed. When the sun finally came up in the morning you woke us up smiling in your mismatched PJs wearing your red shoes.

You are in love with being a super hero. The Easter Bunny brought you this really awesome cape with your name on it and you've worn it twice for less then a few minutes both times. I think it has something to do with the fact that the special cape chokes you whenever you start running and "flying." I guess we are going to have to figure something out to keep it from choking you. A super hero needs a proper super hero cape.

Today you totally cracked me up (but to be honest that happens at least once a day.) We were getting ready to leave the house and you saw your Curious George stuffed animal that Tony and Lori gave you a long time ago. You never play with it so it was up on your shelf. For whatever reason you saw it and said "Mama, I NEED my George." So I handed it to you and you started pointing out all his body parts. When you got to his feet you said "Look, George's feet! I have feet too!" Then you hugged him to your chest and said "You are my best friend George, my best friend." When we went to walk out to the car you held one of George's hands and I held the other and we walked your new best friend to the car.

We all headed over to your Aunt Angela and Uncle Bill's house. We all met over there to see your Grandma and Grandpa La Forge who are headed back to Michigan from their annual winter trip in Florida. While we were all sitting around and talking an ice cream truck went by and all your cousins got excited. You didn't know what was going on. Everyday an ice cream truck goes by your house but until now you always just thought it was just a big car that drove by playing loud kid's music. You didn't know it was filled with wonderful cold sugared treats. You picked out a Spiderman ice cream with gumball eyes. You ate every drop.

I was worried that it might take you a while to warm up to your Great-Grandparents since you only get to see them once a year. Earlier in the day we looked at pictures and even watched a movie of you spending time with them last year. You were so excited by the time you got to actually see them.

Thanks for a month filled with hugs, kisses, and lots of laughs.

Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,


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