I think I have mentioned before that anytime we ask Lucas "what is your name?" He always responds with "2!" I guess we did a pretty good job of drilling into him his age but not so well at teaching the poor kid his own name. Then again he probably thinks his name is "Stop!" or "NO!" Although believe me there are plenty of times through out the day when I say "LUCAS" quite loudly.
We've been trying to get him to say his own name and tonight was the first time he has said "My name is Lucas," and I caught it on video.
Oh my goodness he is so cute! I love seeing him play too, it's adorable!
I always brag on how smart Lucas is.
Jon had a kid in the store the other day who was 2 and could hardly talk. I told him how Lucas was already using deductive reasoning (thinking his baby would have to be thrown away like the toys in The Velv. Rabbit). We determined that the child in the store must have been slow and Lucas is a child of superior intellect.
Ok, him saying his name is very cute, but for me, it's all about that tongue at the beginning.
I 2nd the tongue thing. LOL. I saw it earlier today but didn't comment about it. Since Brandi mentioned it first I just had to.
I didn't even notice the tongue until you guys pointed it out and I went back and watched it. what an observant person I am!
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