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Friday, April 11, 2008

My little Chef

Lately we've been leaving Lucas' door cracked at night so he can just come to our room when he wakes up in the morning. It's been working great for the last few weeks until this morning. I woke up to Lucas yelling "Mommy!!!! DOWN ME!" (Translation: Mommy, help get me down.) I found him sitting on the kitchen counter. He was covered in honey, grits, and powdered onion soup mix. There was also a box of cookie mix that he had tried to unsuccessfully get open. However, he did pour out an entire box of pasta onto a dirty cookie sheet that had been used to cook chicken wings on yesterday.

I had to throw him in the bathtub so that I could get him clean and the kitchen clean at the same time. I didn't take any pictures because I was a little annoyed at having to throw away wasted food. You might be wondering how he got on the counter and to the cabinets in the first place. Well, I blame the Easter bunny. He had to go and get him that stupid red chair that now helps him get into EVERYTHING!


Kirsten said...

This makes me think of the time my mother bought herself a cadbury egg. She was saving it for herself and this was a real treat for her. My bad brother climbed on the counter and ate it up. The chocolate and mock egg filling was all over his face and hands. He couldn't deny his guilt (although he tried). I wish my mom had been able to eat her cadbury egg. Now, every Easter I get excited about cadbury eggs and try to eat at least one for her.

(Sorry if this story is kind of sad. At first I thought it was funny...but then I finished telling it and thought otherwise.)

K A R I™ said...

I think that is very sweet.