The service included a surprise performance by the kids. I watched the kids march in and didn't see Lucas so I figured they didn't bring the nursery kids class. Before the kids could sing we had to figure out how to get the music to play and while they were all standing up there looking cute we were in the back of the theater trying to figure out how to get their music to work right. Our of nowhere I heard this little boy voice say "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" over the microphone and I thought it sounded just like Lucas but I was sure it wasn't him. When we got the music right finally I looked down and there he was in front of the church standing up there holding his own with all the big kids. It was him after all. It was the coolest thing!
After church was over I went to go pick up Lucas and I was presented with two candles he had painted for me (one in the pre-k class that he did the song with and one in the nursery, his usual class.) Then Lucas' teachers started apologizing like crazy for something and I looked down and saw Lucas had also painted himself... well more specifically his brand new shirt that my mom had bought him. I just had to laugh because it was just so Lucas and at least for once he was playing in paint and NOT food. Plus I kind of like the shirt even more now that he has "decorated it."
Lucas ran around a little while I helped clean up a little and out of nowhere he comes up to me and said "Happy Mother's Day Mommy, I love you" and came up and gave me a big hug around the knees.
Our Pastor was standing close by when Lucas did that and said something like "that's the sort of stuff that can make you tear up," and boy was I!
Tear up! No kidding! How sweet Kari, I bet you were so proud of him...and I like the shirt better too! He's incredibly cute in that painted shirt photo! With or w/out hair - in fact, you see more of his adorable face without it! I'm glad you had an awesome Mother's Day! xo
What a sweet boy. I agree with Stacey and you, the shirt looks even cooler with the paint on it.
I think it's wonderful that he wants to go to church. My nephews loved church too and would cry if we drove by the church building on a nonchurch day because we weren't going to church!
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