I ended up waking up to go pee and I noticed that Lucas was laying with his head at the foot of the bed on top of the covers. I moved him and covered him up. I didn't think much of it because if you have EVER slept with a child in your bed you will know they move around like crazy.
When I walked out of our bedroom I heard the TV on so after I finished up in the bathroom I came to turn it off. Walking through the kitchen I found the refrigerator door wide open and knew it was a bad sign. I found a gallon of milk and a cup overflowing with milk sitting on a end table next to the couch and right beside it was an empty carton of eggs. Can you see where this is going?
I ended up finding broken eggs against Lucas' closed bedroom door, the back of the couch, and in front of the TV. I was LIVID! I went in our bedroom screaming for Lucas to wake up right now. I made him follow me out to the living room and asked him what had happened and he told me "I threw eggs on the floor." I knew that I was too mad to spank him so I made him sit in his little rocking chair while I lectured him and cleaned up the eggs. He just sat there looking at the floor. I looked at the clock and it was almost 11:30 PM
The more I cleaned the madder I got and I told him that we wouldn't be going to playgroup tomorrow. While I cleaned up eggs he cried about how he wanted to go play with his friends tomorrow and I said things like "yeah well I want to be sleeping and not cleaning up eggs." It took me about an hour to clean up the living room and he sat in his chair the whole time and didn't try to get up once.
I put the stuff I used to clean up and told Lucas it was time to go back to bed, in his room. He followed me in without protest. Just as I was getting to tuck him into bed I noticed that there was egg on the wall behind his bed and on the corner of his bed. I asked him who had thrown the egg in his room and he told me "Mommy did it." I told him to try again and he told me "Lucas did it and he's in big trouble!" I made him sit in a chair in his room while I cleaned up the egg and changed his bedding. When I finally got him in bed he told me he wanted a story. He didn't get one. When I walked out of his room it was about 1 AM. He better sleep in tomorrow.
Yikes..that is crazy! I have the hibbie jibbies just thinking of the salmonella, etc from those raw eggs!!
Did he do this in his sleep?? What an interesting story!
I know you weren't laughing about this last night, but you will later. He is too much!
You are such a good and patient mother. I would have cracked long ago and would keep him in Ella's cage or tie him down. Kidding....well sort of....
Uncle Jimmy says, "congratulations you DO have a Moore boy"- Hope you got to sleep in.
Wow. Nothing but respect for you. I threw a fit yesterday when the cat ran out of the house and would not come back in. I can't imagine handling that scene while sleep deprived. It might have been a "no wire hangers" moment.
I love how you said "try again". Such a cheeky little guy. But still adorable. Well, maybe not in the middle of the night. :0)
Just WOW!
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