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Monday, June 02, 2008

Me Too!

When Curt hurt his back a few months ago Lucas started going up to him and saying "My back hurts!" We thought it was funny and ever since when something happens to him he either exaggerates the details or if something happens to someone else it of course happened to him too.

A few weeks ago when we were at the beach and Lucas had the tiniest little cut on a finger it was "a shark bit my finger!"

Today while watching Clifford he came up to me while I was folding laundry and said "my foot hurts like Clifford's!" Then when I was doing the dishes while Lucas was watching Caillou he ran over to tell me "I'm scared! I don't want to go down the slide?"

I hope Lucas doesn't grow up to be like Penelope. :-)

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

I had never seen the Penelope skit before! What a hootananny! I know people like that!

I think it's funny that Lucas is a little hypocondriac. Maybe he will be a doctor since he's trying to sympathize/empathize with everyone and everything!