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Sunday, June 01, 2008

June, Already?!?!?

We had a very busy and fabulous weekend! Saturday night Curt and I went to his uncle Kenny's wedding. It was so much fun. We even did a little dancing (which we have NEVER done in the 7 years we have been together.) I also got to meet a lot of Curt's family that I have never had the chance to meet before. Everyone was so friendly and warm. Today, we headed out to Tybee so Lucas could get to meet the family members too. We had lunch at the Crab Shack and Lucas even got to go in the Ocean for a few minutes.
Curt and his uncle Michael. This is the first time I've ever gotten to see my husband this dressed up!
The newly wedded Mr. and Mrs. O and the rest of the Wedding party.
The happy Bride and Groom
Andrea and Aubrey cutting a rug on the dance floor.
Uncle Kenny and Curtis (They are the same age)
Curt and his baby sister Samantha
Instead of rice all the guests lit sparklers as Kenny and Courtney headed to the yacht that took them to their hotel.
Lucas checking out the gators after lunch.
Enjoying the Sun and the Surf

1 comment:

Alyce said...

I found you by way of Kirsten's blog. I was reading the other comments on whether to give babies some sleep aid for flights. I recommended benedryl too, but after I read your comment, I remembered it had the reverse effects on my oldest daughter too! She went wild..almost like an Albuterol effect.
Anyway...I love Savannah and Tybee..so I'll enjoy your blog!