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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Up Where the Air is Clear

First thing this morning Lucas and I headed to Forsyth Park to ride in a Hot Air Balloon.
I thought Lucas would be too scared to ride the balloon because it was very loud. Every time the flame turned on to fill the balloon he would jump. He kept saying "I want to go in there" So we went and got in line.
If you look VERY closely you can just barely see the tip top of his head. I couldn't hold him in my arms. They didn't want him falling out if there was a quick shift in the wind or something. Although, I did hold him up when we got up in the air so he could look down real quick.

Even though it was a VERY short ride it was such a cool experience. Lucas absolutely LOVED it and wasn't scared at all! It was VERY awesome!
On the way home we made a quick stop to visit cousins and puppies.


Kirsten said...

How exciting! Who gets to ride in a hot air balloon these days? Kari and Lucas! That's who! I bet he was excited and will tell his dad all about it tonight at dinner.

The pic of him looking at the puppy is too cute. I think Jadie needs a playmate...

Lini said...

That looks like so much fun!!