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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Reunion 2008

We spent the past weekend in St.Simons for our annual Strickland Family Reunion (mom's side.) Lucas and I went up Thursday with my mom and Grandma. Curt and my Dad drove up after work on Friday.

Lucas had been up since 5:30AM and only slept in the car on the way there for a few minutes. He finally passed out once he laid down at the foot of his Grandma's bed.

Lucas loved hitching a ride with his Great-Gram.

Blessing the food

Two Tired Hunters

They are all due within weeks of each other!

It's pretty cool that all their kids will have playmates there same age. Growing up all my cousins were either older than me or younger than me, and it is the same way for Lucas.

Showing off his new Cowboy Boot Slippers

Showing off his muscles.

I want to play cards with the big kids!!!

Lucas has some GREAT older cousins.

He loved all the attention!

Sneaking veggies instead of cookies.

Tony, Lori, Curt, and I snuck off to dinner on Saturday night. Lori thought the name of the place was funny.

Lori has a built in hand rester.

Saturday night I told Lucas is was time for bed and he snuggled in with Lori and Tony.

More pictures HERE


Kirsten said...

What do you know, you went to Mullet Bay!

It looks like y'all had a great time. I'm sure Lucas loved playing with all his cousins!

I love the picture of him saying blessing. His big, blue eyes make him look like a little cherub.

I'm glad you had a good time!

Charity said...

What hotel did you guys stay at? The pool area looks like a place we used to stay on St Simons..

K A R I™ said...
