Today was voting day and I am kicking myself for NOT voting! I had planned on going after dinner so that I could take Lucas with me (I think it is very important to grow up seeing people voting) but ended up falling asleep while we were watching a movie. The whole reason I woke up is because I had this strange dream.
My sister Lori was running for Governor and her campaign manager Paula Deen was lecturing me that I needed to go vote because it wouldn't look right if I didn't vote. I woke up immediately ready to head out the door and case my ballot only to look at the clock and see that it was 7:12 and the polls were already closed.
I hardly think you are hell-bound for not voting.
If it makes you feel better, I never vote. I'm one of those people who thinks her vote doesn't count. This drives Jon crazy. Mostly, I just say it to get him riled up, but I do actually believe it.
Good thing there are model citizens like you and Jon who balance out the dregs of society like myself!
that was hilarious..your dream...
I like to vote too, but this year is really different..I don't know if I will or not!
Hey, if it makes you feel better, I didn't vote, either. But this was just a primary, so don't even worry. You can vote in the general election if you want to.
But really? Paula Dean? :0)
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