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Saturday, October 18, 2008

13 More Sleeps

This morning my wonderful husband agreed to stay home all day with Lucas so that I could go hang out with my (VERY PREGNANT) sister. I'm glad we got in some quality sister time before the baby comes. We went shopping for a few last minute things for the baby and then I took her to lunch. Then we went back to her house and just spent the rest of the afternoon talking. It was a great way to spend a rainy afternoon.

When I got home Curt left to go to his Grandpa's house. I planned on going to take Lucas to get a pumpkin but we were both tired so we just stayed home. Lucas cannot wait for Halloween and asks a million times a day if it is time to go trick-or-treating yet. I decided to make him a Calender so he can see just how many "sleeps" he has until Halloween. We did this same thing back in July so he knew when it would finally be his birthday. This time I also put little pictures on the days that he has church, soccer, or playgroup so he can see all the different thinks he has to look forward too.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for lunch. I really enjoyed hanging out with you today! See you at church tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

What a cool calendar....I have one for Kai for counting down til' Kenny comes home, but maybe I'll make her one like Lucas's with soccer and gymnastics on it.

Charity said...

Isn't it crazy that our 3 year olds require a calendar already!? Little busy toddlers!!

Stacey said...

13 more "sleeps" SO cute. :)

Unknown said...

You and Lori are so lucky to live near each other. My sister and I live hundreds of miles away from one another so that sucks. Next month will be the first time I've seen her in almost 2 years.