He spent most of his time dancing and playing with the other kids. I love that kids can just make instant friends with total strangers and dance and act silly together without worrying about what somebody else my think.
While we were eating Lori was having some mild contractions. I'm sure she still has a WHILE before my new nephew comes but it is so exciting. She is 37 weeks now and her belly is HUGE (but in a good baby growing way.) I can't wait to meet baby ______ (name withheld because I've been threatened to not tell anyone... and I am TRYING to be good...)
we went by there yesterday too. we went in the afternoon and were not hungry and I restrained from buying some of the yummy desserts. Kenny LOVES Bakalava, if I thought it would ship I would have gotten him some. There was no music playing when we went?
Lori is such a cute preggo.
Don't say it, don't say it! I absolutely LOVE that Lori is keeping her son's name a secret. I think that makes it even more special.
Ooh, I really wanted to go today, but couldn't talk Drew into it :( Maybe Sunday...
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