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Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We just got home from a fall festival that a local church put on for free and it was AWESOME! They had all kinds of games and activities set up for the kids. They also had the standard hay rides and fire truck that the kids can climb on and even a petting zoo area.

They also had a real life version of Candy Land set up inside where the kids followed the game board and visited each part of the game.
At each new land there was a different game where they all won candy. It was really cute. There were also stations to make candy necklaces, get temporary tattoos, and decorate sugar cookies.
One of the coolest things they had there were these boats decorated to look like pirate ships that took you on a ride across the lake. They also had carriage rides that would take you around but Lucas chose to ride on the boat.
We had to wait in line for a while but Lucas didn't care because pirates kept walking by him handing out MORE and MORE candy.
When we got across the lake there were all these little stations set up with different children's movie characters giving out candy. We saw 101 Dalmatians, Nemo, Aladdin, and The Little Mermaid. Lucas kept saying "Mommy, a REAL mermaid gave me candy!"
Lucas ended up with so much candy. I kept asking Lucas if he wanted me to help him carry his loot bag and he kept saying "That's okay, I do it myself!"
We had a lot of fun! Curt didn't get to go with us because he got stuck working late. I hope they do this again next year.You can see more pictures Here


Anonymous said...

looks like you had fun...with all the people, it's no wonder we didn't run into eachother...talk about nuts. We didn't do the boats because of the line, and ended up leaving at about 7:30ish because Kai was tired and Lane was getting cranky, but she had fun and thankfully we didn't get too much candy, or I'd probably be eating it right now.

Stacey said...

WOW what great ideas, they went all out! Sounds like a ton of fun!

Lini said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! I wish we had gone on the boats, but that line was crazy.

Kirsten said...

Lucas is adorable. It's so cute that he was thrilled by a real mermaid giving him candy!

PS: The Parker's downtown has Kinder Eggs.