This morning my sister called me and she sounded like she was having a bit of a rough time so we decided to go over and see if we could help her. By the time we got there she had everything under control. I was able to help her do a few things... like clean off his projectile poop off the wall. That kid is a dangerous weapon the second his little tush is naked. Last week at his check-up he missed peeing in Lucas face by less than an inch, and that was with Lucas standing a few feet away from him!
Lucas started begging to hold Joseph as soon as we walked in the door but he was sleeping, then he had to be fed. He kept asking "can I hold him now PLEASE!" When he finally got to hold him he was so proud. He kept saying "look mommy, I'm holding him!" and "Look Mommy, his feets are so little." It was really sweet. I think Lucas looks a lot like my Dad in this picture.
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