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Thursday, November 06, 2008

On Guard

I don't talk about what a great Dad Curt is nearly enough. Tonight we went to dinner with Curt's Mom. Afterwards we walked around the strip mall and Curt and Lucas ended up with 2 swords. The two of them sword fought all the way back to the car, (complete with Lucas dramatically dying on the sidewalk several times.) Curt is usually pretty quiet around people he doesn't know and normally would not have done anything to draw attention to himself out in public. When he is with Lucas though he doesn't care what anybody but Lucas thinks.


Kirsten said...

It's so sweet to see a father love his son so much. Lucas will appreciate him so much when he's older (although I'm sure he loves playing with his daddy now!).

Anonymous said...

that's too cool! Way to go dad!

Corinne said...

I'm glad Curt is such a great dad to your little sweetie! :D