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Monday, January 12, 2009

Giving Daddy the Tour

Saturday, Lucas and I showed Curtis around Lucas' favorite hangout, the Roundhouse. Then Curt and I took Lucas for a special treat to have lunch on a train at the Whistlestop Cafe. Sunday, Lucas woke up BEGGING to go back. I think we need to go ahead and buy a year long pass to the museum.

Later that evening when we were back home and Lucas was playing with his trains he asked me, "Mommy, do you have any coal medicine? My train is sick"


Corinne said...

That looks like fun. I bet Lucas was glad to show daddy aroud! <3

Anonymous said...

I still need to bring Kai there, maybe this weekend when my dad is still here?

K A R I™ said...

Becky, You guys totally need to go and it is an AWESOME museum for kids because since most of it is outside (I wouldn't really recommend going on a really cold day) you don't have to worry about the kids being quiet or messing anything up... they can be as loud as they want and there is PLENTY of room for running, Also there is a train just for kids filled with lots of train toys, puzzles, and books. Everytime we go there they are adding more things, Lucas loves that and the model trains.

I guess I really do need to buy the year pass huh...