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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chalk & Nemo in the Park

Saturday evening we met up with some friends and went to check out the art in the park from the Sidewalk festival. It was AMAZING! We also enjoyed a picnic dinner (our second picnic of the day) and then watched "Finding Nemo." Lucas was WORN out from such a fun day and ended up passing on my lap after the movie started.

More Pictures Here


Anonymous said...

will you post your pics to shutterfly or something...some of yours came out better than mine, must have been a difference in where we stood...the one of the lady and girl came out so much better on yours mine if full of sunlight reflections!!! We had so much fun and it was nice to see the kids get along and play well together!!!!!!!!!

K A R I™ said...

I already did :-) If for some reason they aren't posted there let me know.

I love the top one with Kai and Lucas the best though.

Anonymous said...

sorry I didn't see it....I love the one of Kai and Lucas looking at the picture....looks like they were really into it!