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Monday, October 12, 2009

Then and Now

This past Friday, we picked Lucas up from school early and headed to Helen, GA for our annual trip. This was Lucas' 5th trip there. It is really cool that we're able to take him somewhere that I've been going since I was a kid. I thought it would be fun to compare pictures of Lucas on our trips to Helen.
Then: October 2005- Barely 2 Months Old. Lucas had just started to sleep in his Bassinet and instantly became attached to him lovey that got nicknamed "Baby"
Now: His still sleeps with his "baby"

Then: October 2006- Content to sit still and be quiet
Now: Nothing quiet or still about him now
Then: October 2007- He had a lot of fun hanging out with his Aunt Lori
Now: Aunt Lori has her own little one to entertain

Then: October 2008 - Still has a bit of that cute baby look in his face
Now: He looks so grown up

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