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Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Star is Born

Last night Lucas and I spent the night in a museum. We had an AWESOME time. We arrived at 6:30 and received our very own flash lights. We ate dinner and then watched "NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM." After the movie was over we toured the Savannah History Museum and to our surprise, the exhibits came to life. Lucas talked to a Colonial man, a railroad worker, a civil war solider, and a revolutionary war soldier. Then it was time for crafts. Lucas did a little weaving, made fresh butter (it was GOOD) and a pomander. Then it was time to crawl into our sleeping bags and go to sleep. In the morning we packed up and had breakfast before leaving.

On the way home Luc and I had the following conversation:

Me: "Did you have fun?"

Luc: "It was SO AWESOME!"

Me: "What was your favorite part?"

Luc: "The movie... and EVERYTHING!"

Me" "There was a man there last night from the Newspaper and he took your picture, so there is a chance you might be in the paper this morning"

Luc: "A picture of me might be the in the newspaper?"

Me: "yes, I think so"

Luc: "Mama, I'm going to be a star!"


Anonymous said...

that sounds sooooo cool!

Lini said...

How cute!

Sounds like a lot of fun!