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Sunday, January 16, 2005

I love Family Dinner Sundays

So last night Curt and I ended up going to grab some Mexican food, Yum! Then we went to Ted and Lisa's and talked to them for a little while. They are working on Shane's old room and getting ready to move Matthew in. Then Shane and Colby will move into Matthew's old room. Normally I will stay there until about 2 or 3am but we left a little after 12.

Today we got up and just hung out. We just watched The Village, and it was pretty good. Not at all what I expected. It started out a little slow but I think the end of it made up for it! It had some really great twists, it wasn't really a horror movie at all.

What I am most excited about is going to dinner with Curt's family. We used to do Sunday Dinner every other Sunday but haven't done it in a while. It should be Curt's mom Andrea, his Grandparents Ken and Barbara, and one of Curt's sisters Sam and her son Steven. I haven't seen Steven in a few months so I can't wait to see him! Curt's uncle Ken (who is only 6 months older then him) might be there as well.

The only bad thing is that most of them smoke. I am trying to avoid cigarette smoke as much as possible. I don't want to take any chances with my baby whatsoever. Well I should go jump in the shower and find something to wear. I'm in a good mood today! I am trying to get ready early because when we are running late Curt and I always yell at each other! We are such kids sometime! I love us though!

My Mood : Happy Now Playing : Steve McQueen by Sheryl Crow

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