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Monday, January 31, 2005

We are finally agreeing on names

Favorite Boys Names : These are names we actually both agree on (in no specific order) 1. Zachary 2.Caleb 3.Luke 4.Gavin 5.Brayden 6.Lucas 7.Owen 8.Cole 9.Chase 10.Landon 11.Riley 12. Bryce

Favorite Girls Names : We only agreed on 6 but our top 3 are the same. Top 3 1.Riley 2.Chloe 3.Sophia Other 3 choices 4.Emma 5.Hailey 6.Gabriella

tonight I was watching TV and curt was in here on the computer and he yelled to me "I can't wait to meet out baby" AWW how sweet is that!

Well I am going to watch Jay Leno.

It is so cool how many people in Iraq voted! It makes me tear up to hear all the threats and violence they went through to get there and we still take voting for granted! EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH IRON JAWED ANGELS!

My Mood : Excited! Now Playing : Jay Leno's opening in the other room

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This just freaked me out until I saw the date and discovered you were talking about Lucas.What a great way you got my heart pumping this morning.