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Tuesday, February 22, 2005


In less than 7 hours we should know the sex of our baby! It is almost 1 am and I am fully awake! I know I am a bit of a night owl but usually by now I am feeling a little tired. Actually I am starting to feel a little hungry.

I just know its a girl! (and then on the other hand I am scared it is a boy and I will be disappointed). Today I did a million loads of laundry, my Ebay auctions ended (I made almost $300 again this week thanks to the $10 clearance jeans I got at Goody's that I made about $20 on a peice!) I can really do this stay at home mom thing. Also I've been getting thing organized slowly but surely and liking that too!

Anyway back to my day and why I just know its a girl. Well I had to return some blockbuster movies so I went into town and decided to check out the mall to see if there were any good maternity sales on since it was presidents day. Well everywhere I went I ran into moms with little girls. That has to be a sign right?!? When I was in sears waiting to check out this little cute toddler ran up and whacked me on the butt and ran away. Her mom kept apologizing but I just smiled. See that is my sign. LOL I mean come on I am buying maternity clothes and a little girl hits me and smiles. (ok it is my sign!!)

By the way when I used to buy maternity clothes to sell on Ebay the stores had a bigger selection. For instance at Sears there used to be a whole department downstairs, now there are about 4 racks with ugly clothes next to the night gowns. What is up with that? I am not the only one that noticed... because as I was pawing through the racks to locate something that wasn't 100% hideous this other preggers mommy (who also had a little girl in a stroller!!) commented on how bad the selection was and how it is like that eveywhere now.

I don't know if I am going to be able to sleep tonight. I need to go drink a ton of water because I am thirsty. I also need to make sure I have nice smooth legs just in case I have to take any clothes off at the Doc's. I guess I'll go set out my clothes just in case I do get to sleep and have a hard time waking up (because we are the first appointment at 8:30 in the morning... which I signed up for because I didn't want to have to wait all day!)

The cool part is my next childbirth class is tomorrow and if my baby cooperates I'll be able to tell all the other July Mommy's what I'm having! How cool is that???!!! I swear pregnancy is like an automatic passage into this cool club.

My Mood : Excited! Now Playing : the sound of a fan drying clothes (our dryer doesn't work lol!)

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