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Friday, February 18, 2005

Feeling Pretty Proud of Myself

Well in the last couple of days I've really gotten a lot of things accomplished! I organized our whole laundryroom area, cleaned the kitchen floor and put down the clean rugs, took out all the crap in the house that needed to be thrown away and finally got rid of our cats' litter box (they have been outside cats now for about a month, their choice. We let them come in to eat and they always want to go back out. They are both fixed. It's been very good for them!! They were both getting REALLY FAT, especially the girl cat, who was so fat she couldn't lay down she just sort of flopped. Maybe I should just live outside and run around all day after the baby comes.)

Also I put together a cabinet we are going to use in the living room and steam cleaned a section of the living room carpet (it is a pain to do it because the tank is so small you would have to fill it up at least a half a dozen times to do a whole room. So I am doing a little bit at a time.

I also ordered a new desk to put out in the living room for us to move the computer from our office. I am just worred our living room will be too crowded. Oh well! Our kid needs to have his/her own space. I also ordered a new digital camera and I can't wait to get it. We have a digital camera that I love but it uses floppy disks and would be a pain when we have our baby to switch disks every few pictures. I am just going to sell it on Ebay. I'll miss it though, it was my first digital camera, and it was the same one my parents had. The new one though can also be used as a webcam so I can show my friends and family all over the world our little one.

I've also been eatting better, remembering to take my vitamins, and doing a prenantal workout tape. I'm feeling pretty good. The only bad thing about being pregnant right now is I am breaking out on my chest and back, which REALLY SUCKS!

Last but not least I am doing better taking Jadie out. She has accidents at night while we are sleeping and I am really working with her to get her 100% trained before the baby comes. It is are fault for being so lazy and not getting up to take her out. We won't be able to just ignore the baby all the time though so it is good practice.

WOW! Less than a week now before we know the sex!!! I don't know if I still like the names on our poll or not. I change my mind everyday. Oh well! I still don't think I have felt the baby yet.

My Mood : sleepy

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